Page name: Anime Fantasy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-21 07:49:54
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
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Anime Fantasy

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2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (You're taken twice over, and yet, you're still single.)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (yeah weird aint it lmao)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (im confused)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (both my chars on here are in relationships and I am single lol)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (lol, i was with someone then he dumped me by email)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (it's great! ^^)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (huh?)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (Sorry, that was to jeffs thing, not to you, you ok?)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (okay)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (you ok???)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (its just that im sitting next to that person-im in school)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (Slap them?)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (i did during science, last period)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (bust em in the head with a book ^^ he aint got the balls to say it to your face he aint got the balls to stand up to you ^^)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (actually he does, he almost hit me last period)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (agreed ^^)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (thats why i said a book and not your hand lol fill a pocket in your purse with rocks ^^ make sure that side hits him.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (no one will stand up for me, everyone hates me)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (Where do you go to school? I can change that real quick.)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (why do you say that?? you don't have a single friend at your school????)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (Pleasanton, CA. i do, but they would do much if someone would be beating the crap out of me)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (I can change that right quick, I can make you go from the most hated person in school to the most feared.)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (that would be a LOT of people, some even call me a freak. my character, is just like me. ive never really felt love before)

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (some people might see the as a blessing, to love and to have lost is not better than to never have loved at all.)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (true)

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: (sometimes i just feel dead, and no one cares)*crys*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: (I care)

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: ( I care too and i agree with jessa love fucking sucks you ain't missing much I can tell you that)

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: (okay sorry but back to the rp)
Yumi: ummmmm
Akari: *her pet bat killed the demon* how sad all of you have dates but us

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Don't be so high and mighty Akari...that demon isn't dead yet..."

Belius: "River...if you want to is your chance" *smiles*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: > <
akari: hey e's ours don't think were weak!! *gets into dimitris face*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "id rather stay by your side"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *smiles* "and what do you think you are know you can't kill me...Aledor and Nakime are the only ones that even have a chance of that.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *hugs Belius*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: you haven't seen the rel me yet! *the demon heads behind her*
Yumi: FIRUS!!!!! *throws a fire ball*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "You are nothing at all...brat..."

Belius: *hugs River back tightly*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "your warm"

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: im gona kill you!!!
Yumi: ok akari stop!!! you too Demitri you make it worse

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "That's new...I'm usually ice cold.." *smiles*

Demitri: "You couldn't kill me even if you tried..."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles and kisses lips softly*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *looks to the couple* "Either fight or move!" *Trows wall of ice up*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *returns kiss intensly*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *stops kissing* "we should move"

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: *punches Dimitri* so where's your blue girlfriend to save you!
Yumi: i ave to stop this eeek! *goes wit Belius and River with jealousy* can't you guys see whatz hapening over there and you're all kissy kissy! *angry look*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Yeah your right.." *holds River close and jumps farther off landing softly*

2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: Aledor: *Throws ice crystals at Akari*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *fist passes strait through him* "You can't even touch me..."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *closes eyes*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: *doges them all* *runs toward demitri*
Yumi: *looks at Belius* i still like him ISAMECARA!!!!! *freezes both demitri and Akari*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "Aledor...she can't do anything against either of us...this would be a mis match if we both faught would still be if she decided to take even one of us one..."

Belius: *lays head on hers softly* "do you still want to fight?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: *walks strait through the ice* "you can't do anything either.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "no...i would rather be with you"

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: (im starting to hate that!)
Akari: *frozen*
Yumi: you guys plz stop fighting!

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Demitri: "I'm not fighting....she is...I am merely watching.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River "and im not going to fight" *rests head on Belius's shoulder*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: (the love between Belius and River is getting REAL annoying it's a little too exagerated)
Akari: *her pet bat unfreezes her* why'd you do that?
Yumi: its the only way i could stop you

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Ok I like that better anyway.." *smiles running his fingers through River's hair*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (nothin has happened what are you talkin about?)

Demitri: "she needs a keeper" and a muzzle....

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *blushes and wraps arms around neck*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: (oh yeah ignore me)
akari: *crosses her arms* im out of here *flies away*
Yumi: *goes with Belius and River* i have no one else to be with

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (no one is ignoring you)

Belius: "...there is demitri and Aledor too.."

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "true. Yumi, are you going to kill me?"

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "I won't let her..."

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: (like somethin is happening and you guys are just doing love things)
Yumi: *sits down with them* i don't really know them and i know you best *sad face*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks sad*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: i guess im annoying hu?

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: (demitri send them away so they didn't get caught in the cross fire...)

Belius: "You don't know me either?"

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "no" *looks sad and sits next to Yumi*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: *sits next to River* "I am so confused right now..."

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: i love you Belius but i guess your heart is taken so im gona have to deal with it *walks away sadly*

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: "well...Yumi really like you too and i dont think that we should"

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: *stops* wha?

2007-11-05 [InsanityAngel]: River: *looks sad at Yumi*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: river?

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Huh??"

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: *start crying and runs to river and hugs her*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: " have...feelings for me??" *confused*

2007-11-05 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: yeah i did but you never noticed thats why i would always hug you
*cries more*

2007-11-05 [Dezmond]: Belius: "I'm's just odd...for an elf to be intersted in a demon..."

2007-11-06 [†Sweets†]: (oh, hell, now what did i miss???)

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: (that chick tried to fight demitri and them sakura started bitchin about belius and river getttin all lovey and shit now yumi and river are talkin about something and they both love belius)

2007-11-06 [†Sweets†]: (wow.)

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: (yeah...)

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: *is silent*

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: Belius: "River...are you ok?"

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: "i dont know"

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: Belius: "Ok...are you leaving me?"

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: "why would i leave you?" *puts head on Belius's shoulder"

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: "im cold"

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: Belius: "do you need something else?"

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: "no, i have you" *cuddles*

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles wrapping his arms around her*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: *smiles and kisses lips*

2007-11-06 [Dezmond]: Belius: *smiles and returns kiss softly*

2007-11-06 [InsanityAngel]: River: *kisses back with passion*

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *Just observes them*

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks off into space wondering if he will ever find love...*

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *shifts her attention to Cyclone* Would he talk to me?

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *feels someone looking at him and snaps out of his daydream* "Yes?"

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *walks over but keeps her eyes to the ground* "I...heard your question and I think you have better chance then me."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: (what the?????? you guys quit?)
Akari: *back* hu?
yumi: hey kiki

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone:*looks at her* "And why is that?"

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *turns around slightly but her eyes still downcast* "Hi Yumi glad to see you."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: "so what happened here while i was gone?"
Yumi: "yeah what did happen?"

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "I Do not know really because I was in my own world..."

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *looks up at Cyclone* "Because you are not labled a she-devil who rips a mans heart out." *turns to Akari and Yumi* "I am not sure myself everyone just paired off."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: oh
yumi: so the others are gone?

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Yeah getting all romantic and what have you? So Yumi have anyone speical?"

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Looks at Kiki* "That should not stop someone from loving you if they truly do. I am just a no one... an elf with now past or future by the looks of it..."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: *looks at yumi*
Yumi: no not really ^///^

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *looks at him* "you seem like a strong fighter and believer even though you have had a rough past. You loved River didn't you?"

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: > >
Yumi: hm?

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: ((Can we have more than two characters or is there really a set limit?))

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks at her and frowns* "what makes you say that..."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: (yeah you can only have two characters ^ ^)

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *blushes and turns her gaze to the ground* "I am sorry I should not have noticed. You seemed to look at her with a loving glance."

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "After all I have been through it is hard for me to love someone even if they love me. I might look like a kind person but I am not as kind as you think.... I will fight next to anyone of you but I may not have feelings for any of you..."

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: ((Thank you!))

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "I did not think you would be the type to open up either. Still I am glad you bothered to say anything to me." *She walks away from Cyclone and stands near Yumi* "So you ladies have someone speical."

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *watches her as she walks away and then he sits on the ground and starts to meditate* "Let me know if you need me."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: no *sitting there sadly*
yumi: nope!

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: Well...don't give up I am sure you ladies will find a charming man all your own. Believe me it got pretty romantic.*shivers slightly*

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: yeah it did
yumi: but not for us

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: ((I have no idea where you all are, so I'm assuming you're outside...right?)) Romyrr couldn't help but over hear them as they spoke, but it didn't help that he had taken to sitting with his back against the trunk of a tree, about ten meters off the ground. Find a charming man all on their own, he thought, imitating Kiki's voice in his head. He shook it lightly, and shifted his seat, one leg hanging while the other rests bent on the branch, his arm resting on it while his opposite lay across his stomach.

Firo had taken to walking along the edge of the treeline, but was coming strangely close to the group. He had no idea they were there.

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: (ummm im gona make a new rp but better ok? ^ ^)

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: ((I don't

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *Stiffens as she feels the atmosphere* "Um I don't think we are alone.

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *without opening his eyes* "We are not alone there are two of them.."

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: (well three people quit cuz of that)
Akari: ya im here
Yumi: hu?

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "No there are others around." *She hears her own words echo*

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: hello????
Yumi: O.O

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Remains silent and he keeps his mind focused*

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: Romyrr listened to the people below, just as silence drifts uneasily across them.

Firo hadn't watched where he was going and soon found himself around the others. When he looks up, he sees the group. "Uh," he paused, clearing his throat. "Hello," he said, almost uncertainly.

2007-11-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akira: did it suddenly get all dark?
Yumi: dunno

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: Looking around, Firo closed his hand as if attempting to grab a whisp of smoke, and seemed to succeed as the darkness disappeared, revealing the previous setting they stood in. "Better?" he asked.

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *shivers* "Who are you strangers?"

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Who are you stranger?"

2007-11-06 [Lin-tastic]: Firo looked around him. "Apparently, I'm the only one here," he said, pointedly. He could tell there was someone else, but they weren't willing to reveal themselves quite yet. "My name is Firo Breezk. I'm just taking a walk."

Romyrr kept his placing, relaxed and nearly asleep.

2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Really.." He isn't the one who echoed my orginal statment. I don't know if he is to be trusted.

2007-11-06 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Thinks to self, I know there is at least one more but where is he hiding...*

2007-11-07 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *looks at Cyclone* You feel it too?

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: i don't feel anything
Yumi: i do!

2007-11-07 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Really Yumi what do you feel?"

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: *looks at yumi*
Yumi: i dunno like some hearbeat

2007-11-07 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: Heartbeat? A humans heartbeat or just a pulse of energy?

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: well yeah but the earth is
Akari: hu?

2007-11-07 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "The earth is what yumi?"

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: heartbeat! *goes into another dimension*
akari: *also goes into dimension*

2007-11-07 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *blinks but sits down near a tree and lets out a sigh* My people come and go so quickly.

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: *in another dimension* where are we??!!!
Akari: i have no idea?!!! *stands up*

2007-11-07 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "hmmm.... where did they go..."

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: *stands up* hello????
Akari: yumi can u use your powers to get us back?

2007-11-07 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *gets up and starts to walk*

2007-11-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: aratsika!!!! *light twirls around her then fades* oh no! i can't!
akari: oh no

2007-11-07 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Walks to the waters edge and stares* "I wonder...."

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *closes her eyes and hears the heartbeat* Wha? What is that?

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: can you?
Akari: let me try *closes eyes then purple wind goes around the she open them wit purple eyes*

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]:

(WHOOOOT NOW OPEN! Anime Fantasy RP)

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *walks into the water paying no mind to the others*

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu??? *sky truns white and they get back to this dimension*

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Keeps walking into the water but instead of getting deeper he is walking on top of it*

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: so where is everyone?
Akari: i have no idea

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *walks over to Yumi* "Are you all right?'

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: yeah were okay ^ ^
Akari: hi!

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Makes it to the middle of the water and sits on it and starts to meditate*

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *Notices* I see I am glad.

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: ^ ^
Akari: so where is that guy Cyclone?

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *points to the water*

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *He remains on the water in deep meditation*

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: hu?
Akari: what?

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "He prefers to be alone."

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Yumi: oh
Akari: why?

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *After a short while his eyes open and he looks at everyone on the shore*

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *not sure how to explain* He is a self-made loner.

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *starts to walk back to shore*

2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *smiles but hopes its enough*

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "well welcome back"

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: oh ok
Yumi: maybe he needs a friend!!!! ^ ^

2007-11-08 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "If you guys are wondering why I always am alone its because that is how I keep myself focused, if I let love or friends get in the way I will lose my focus and end up dead"

2007-11-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: hm...
Yumi: oh thats.......bad

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone:*stares off* "But it does not mean I do not care"

2007-11-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: can you talk to us alittle?
Yumi: *looks at him hopefully*

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *looks at them* "What do you wanna know?"

2007-11-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: ummm well
Yumi: welllll....we just want 2 talk 2 you

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "ok then tell me something since I am new around here, what is it you guys are trying to do?"

2007-11-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: nothing ^ ^
Yumi: we just want to be around you ^ ^

2007-11-09 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *laughs and smiles*

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Looks at all of you and for the first time you see him smile a little*

2007-11-09 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *notices but doesn't say anything* "So are you done meditating?"

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: "Yes I am for now." *looking at Kiki he blushes alittle and then looks away*

2007-11-09 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: *blushes slightly too* Um so ladies anything new happen in the new deminsion?

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Decides to go for a walk*

2007-11-09 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "Don't go too far...Cyclone."

2007-11-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: nope nothing
Yumi: nuh hu

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Looking back with a smile* "I won't"

2007-11-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: hmmmm
Yumi: ^ ^

2007-11-09 [loonygirl2005]: Kiki: "hmm...its be quiet? so where are the two of you from?

2007-11-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Akari: hmmm means be quite?
Yumi: didnt know that

2007-11-09 [loonygirl2005]: kiki: *blushes* I mean it has been really quiet lately.

2007-11-09 [juggaloprince]: Cyclone: *Returns from his walk and sits down near the group and just takes short glances at Kiki*

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